Wish List

We'll be keeping this updated so Santa knows what we want and need!
Every year someone asks me how they will know if something from this list has already been purchased. So, here’s my new plan. I have added a book at the bottom of the page. If you want to buy something on here, check the book to see that no one else has noted that they were going to buy it. If they haven’t, make a note that you are going to. After holidays I will check the guestbook, delete entries relating to that holiday and delete any items that were purchased. Hope this works!

I’m putting a Family List here at the top that has a lot of things kinda mixed in, and then our individual sizes and preferences below.

Family List

DVDs we would like to own: Veggies tales-Josh and the big wall, Minnesota Cuke, Larry boy and the Fib, Gideon Tuba Warrior, A Snoodle’s Tale, Ariel’s Beginning, Sleeping Beauty.

Wii Stuff!
1 more remote..... and a remote charge station
-Beth would like the We Ski game that goes with the balance board, the Yoga mat for under it, and the no slip cover that goes over it.
-Aidan and Abby would love the Dora saves the snow Princess and Diego and the Dinosaur rescue.
-Alex would enjoy the Spongebob Atlantis Squarepantis.
-Brent will look at the games, but I imagine he would like the a golf game and the summer or winter sports also Sim City.
-the Smarty pants trivia game looks like fun for all of us and the Word Coach looks like a great idea....
-Other possible games for the kids.....
Ratatouille, Meet the Robinsons, The Ant Bully, Zoo Hospital, Endless Ocean

For our internet shoppers, here are some specifics, not that you have to buy these exact things, but it might spawn some ideas of what the kids would like to have. They love to look through these catalogs and find things they want!

This website has a program where they send the child a monthly package with a book, activity books, and lots of fun stuff. We did this for a while with Alex when he was 3 and it really had nice stuff in it. Once a month is a little too much though, so they will do an every other month program if you ask. I think Aidan would LOVE this as he loves getting his “own” things and has a good attention span for the books and these type activities. 

Color Scheme Game Y820-082 $29.95 (Aidan)
Kids Cam digital camera kit #12079 $24.95 (Aidan)

Remote-control Mega Crane #656 $39.99 (Alex)
Magnetic Build A Boat #728 $19.99 (Aidan)
Alphabet Painting Stencils #494 $19.99 (Aidan or Abby)
Animal Painting Stencils #435 $19.99 (Aidan or Abby)

-Safe Stringing Set RR821 $19.95 (Andrew)
-Sea Life Stampers JJ359  $9.95 (Aidan)


-Truly, We have tons of clothes. We would really appreciate it if people didn’t buy us any more baby clothes! We know they’re fun to buy, but both Abby and Aidan had more than they could wear! We greatly appreciate the clothes with the older kids, but we have lots of baby stuff! He is wearing 12 month clothes.


-Sizes: depends on what you’re buying! I’ve bought her XS T-shirts (4/5) that fit fine. Generally I’d say 4T is the best all-around bet. She could use clothes for the winter.
shoes: 9 1/2
Mom’s favorite stores for clothes: Gymboree, The Children’s Place, Target, and Kohl’s

-Click-Start games, already has Puppy Pals, Disney Princesses, Animal Art Studio, Learning Carnival, and Nemo.

-Clothes from Build-a-Bear or gift certificates from there

-Dress-Up clothes

-Lakeshore Learning in Orlando had a pretend ice cream set she really wanted, but it’s not in their catalog.

-Snap n Style dolls and clothes (Fisher price) but NOT Nadia, Tamara, the Christmas outfit or the ballerina outfit.


- Sizes: 5 for most things
PJ’s:  6/8
shoes: 11
Same stores as listed above for Abby.

- Aidan is our game player of the bunch right now. He loves his V-smile games a lot! Games that he doesn’t have yet are The Backyardigans, Shreck, Spiderman, and Toy Story 2. If we get V-motion games we will probably want to get ones that we don’t have the comparable one on V-smile. I think they are going to be pretty similar if not exact. So, Games we don’t have are the wonder Pets, spiderman, Wall-E, and Scooby Doo. I’d lean toward things in the 6-8 age range for him as he is a bit ahead of himself.

-Children’s books - see our wish list under Beth Woodard at www.amazon.com


Shirts: Size 7
Pants: Size 6
PJ’s: Size 8 or 10
Shoes: Size 13

-Alex continues to be obsessed with trucks. He has a LOT of them, but always wants more. Mama is not particularly excited about that though! Right now he is addicted to Ice Road Truckers on the history channel and is always making loads for the one or two “big rig” type trucks he has.

-Alex likes playing Mario Cart on the Wii and generally plays fairly well on the Wii. He needs games that aren’t too complex on the controls though.


- I would like a bike. Nothing fancy, just something I can ride with the boys on. Now that they are riding more I can’t keep up with them very well walking! Should probably get a mountain bike as most of the “roads” I’d be on aren’t paved!

-A digital Picture frame

-A flat screen TV for our bedroom around 20”

- I like Bath and Body's Orange Ginger, Jasmine Vanilla, or Lavender Vanilla scents in the Aromatherapy collection. (or a gift certificate!)

I never buy myself clothes, and if you give me money I probably still won’t! lol! But I could really use to pick up a few new things, so if anyone wants to give me gift certificates, that would be great! Or if you give me money and a stern warning that it is for CLOTHES and not for things for the kids or groceries I will do my best! I’m also going to add some links here to things I’m looking at, mainly so I have a list of what I want and need when I can afford to go and buy! And as it is a “wish” list I’ll feel free to put some higher priced items on it! lol. Most of my clothes I’ve had for 5-10 years at least so I figure it’s ok. :) These things should at least give people some idea of what I like if they’re looking to buy me clothes!
--Crocs Cyprus style, not the ugly original ones, size 9 in chocolate
-Tal boots, dark brown, love the suede ones from Rockport even though their website lists them at $170. Ouch! Bet they’re comfy though!
-Cool shirt-
http://www.shopthebay.com/pagebuilder/ITEM?item=213451&CATEGORY=SEARCHRESULTS&cat=Apparel&subcat= Knit%20Tops
Another Good T-Shirt

- Sizes: Shirts- S-M
Pants- 6-8
Shoes- 9
Favorite stores: The Gap, Victoria’s Secret, Rockport Shoes, Ann Taylor Loft, New York Co.


I apologize that Brent has such difficulty putting new things on his list! I try to add things for him when I can!

-Barnie’s Coffee!!! (We don’t have one up here and we miss it greatly) We like Coffee Coolers and whole beans. Brent likes the German Chocolate Cake Flavor. also, we often buy coffee from www.bocajava.com, so gift certificates there would be great too.

- Books to be used at camp such as...Silver Bullets; Processing the Adventure Experience by John Luckner. 

Or just some money/gift certificate for me to browse and get some for myself. (Best Buy or for clothing he’s not too picky on clothing stores)

- Clothes sizes: 34/33 pants    Shoes:11? or thereabout                               XL shirts

- tools

- Board games...specifics to come.

- Sports stuff...golf balls, fishin stuff

- Surprise me


-I hope this helps some!!!!!


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